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How Much Does A Survey Cost?

This is probably the second most frequent question I get during my interaction with the client. Each survey is unique and the associated cost of a survey is dependent upon the type of survey required, the location of the survey and the time frame requested by the client. Often the local governing agencies have particular survey requirements that also influence the cost of the survey, so it is important that the selected surveyor has a working knowledge of the survey area and particulars.


Most people are used to seeing the surveyors out in the field, but a majority of the time spent on a survey is dedicated to document research, data processing and analysis, survey plat preparation and preparing the Professional Surveyor’s report. On a typical residential lot boundary retracement survey, the time in the field surveying may be a couple of hours whereas the office time may be ten to twelve hours behind the scenes. The overall cost of the survey will be based upon the time expended on the project and the hourly rates of the firm.


It is important to remember, like many things in life, you get what you pay for and that selecting a professional services on the lowest cost often leads to an inferior product.

Minimum Fee Includes


Necessary Records to establish your Property

Copy of the latest public record of your property

Existing Property corner Monuments located and marked

Missing or Obliterated corners identified

Recommended course of action for your specific project!

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